Words Have Meaning

Words Have Meaning


In the past few months I have been witness to a new and troubling display of human behavior.  Marked by a total disregard for others and an unhealthy immersion in self, it is damaging to our souls. It never ceases to amaze me that people can be so awful to one another.  Are we really that lost as a society that we cannot graciously accept differences of opinion in a non-judgmental way?


“But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.”

-George Orwell


To often, people ignore the fact that words have meaning. We must never forget that we are all very fragile. Once spoken, words cannot be taken back they can only be forgiven. A word spoken in anger or in jest can have lasting effect on another’s heart. Words can be instruments of loving kindness or weapons of destruction.  Spoken in hate, a word can live on in the heart of the recipient for many years, festering and tearing down the self worth of the individual.


“Words are things. You must be careful, careful about calling people out of their names, using racial pejoratives and sexual pejoratives and all that ignorance. Don’t do that. Someday we’ll be able to measure the power of words. I think they are things. They get on the walls. They get in your wallpaper. They get in your rugs, in your upholstery, and your clothes, and finally in to you.”

-Maya Angelou


While I am always willing to listen to a plea for forgiveness, the repeat of the same action over and over does not constitute a true act of contrition. It is representative of a state of denial and one that is unaware of the power their words have on those they care about. Similarly, each person in this world is standing alone, solely accountable for his or her actions. Feigning innocence by deflecting blame onto another is an immature approach.  Just because someone else has said or done something that is less than loving, this does not grant permission to act in a hurtful manner.  


“Without knowing the force of words, it is impossible to know more.”



With the complete saturation of technology, it is all the more apparent when someone goes off the rails and uses their words in a disrespectful and hurtful way. As a parent, I would never condone my child speaking in this way, yet we turn a blind eye when people in the public arena do so.  Why do we not hold those in leadership positions to a higher degree of scrutiny? These are the people our children will be looking up to as role models. It baffles the mind that so many chose to overlook this under the guise of party politics, strong leadership or even within a family unit.


“silence is the language of god,

all else is poor translation.”



My hope is that common sense will prevail. Words will be received as they are spoken and evaluated for what they are, without the spin of an agenda. In addition, people will think before they speak and think before they act. There is no do over button in life.  It is crucial to take a moment and consider if what one has to say is necessary and kind.  If the answer if no, don’t say it. It is really that easy.


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