The Lonely Road
This lonely road begins with me
Wading into a roughly paved sea
No one else in sight or sound
Anxiously, frightfully I look around
Hark! Anyone walking this way?
Never a voice came to play
Only the quiet breathe of a gentle breeze
Settling in a sense of unease
Alone, afraid with no one nearby
Peaking out of my half closed eye
I see a dark form off in the distance
All I need now is some strong persistence
Willing my feet to move one by one
This road stretches beyond the rays of the sun
Never ending, yet traversed by lonesome souls
The road to nowhere beckons as it goes
As I approach the form becomes clear
It is only a reflection of the almighty mirror
Hence my walk continues, no answers abound
Loneliness my companion as I circle around.
-Lavinia Busch, 2018