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Tag: Opposition

The Sun and The Moon A Dance of Opposition

The Sun and The Moon A Dance of Opposition


Sun and Moon


A strong man, a fair woman

Bound fast in love,

Parted by ordered heaven,

Punishment prove


He suffers gnawing fires:

She in her frost

Beams in his sight, but dies

When he seems lost.


Not till the poles are joined

Shall the retreat

Of fierce brother from lost sister

End, and they meet.


Jay Macpherson


Poetry often finds the word that we cannot, that is why I have such an affinity for it.  As an internal thinker, I have so many thoughts in my head at one time; I often stumble over my words when speaking. People that know me have heard the frequent pause when I am trying to gather the words from that space in my mind. It shows on my face, a thinking face. This particular poem is representative of all that is on my mind at the moment.


As one that has been silently drawn by the phases of the moon, I see myself in this story. Everything and everyone exists in interconnectivity with another. Just as positive and negative charges attract so is it in nature. It might be a colleague that is completely different from self or a child that is difficult to understand being of an opposite personality type and communication style. It may be a lover that elicits an intense attraction unlike any other, a pleasing joining of two pieces to a puzzle. Life is always a balance of oppositions.


If you will find me not within you, you will never find me. For I have been with you, from the beginning of me.”



Embrace the interplay between the sun and the moon, the water and the earth, the sky and the stars. One cannot exist without the other and even if we think we can walk this earth independently, unsupported by this push and pull, we need this tension to grow and thrive. Seek out opposition, and most importantly search for the complexity and mirror in these instances. You may learn something about yourself along the way and as Mr. Macpherson states so beautifully, “Not until the poles are joined, Shall the retreat of fierce brother from lost sister End, and they meet.”