


Synchronicity is a word that means many things to many people. Carl Jung coined the term as “the coincidental occurrence of events…especially psychic events that seem related but are not explained by conventional mechanisms of causality.”  Given this definition, my mother could be the poster child for synchronicity. She will often dream of events before they happen and has on many occasions called knowing that something is awry with one of her children. My children tell me I have inherited this trait as have most of my siblings.  I acknowledge having an extra awareness of those that I love and “feel” when they are struggling and in need of support. Is this relational synchronicity?  Hard to say.  I have written much about the energy of others and how this energy can be absorbed by those around them. Synchronicity takes it one step further by proposing that even when separated by large distance and association, others are connected to us in ways that we do not understand until after an event.  That event could be a brief introduction, a friendship or a deeper more meaningful relationship.  Regardless of what you believe, it is hard not to argue that people come into our lives for reasons that are unclear, leaving after having imparted important life lessons in our hearts.

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.

Carl Jung

As I have digested this idea over the years, I have stopped being surprised by these synchronous occurrences and instead find myself in absolute wonder over how the universe works. The reasons why a person enters a life and the timing of the relationship are never clearer than in retrospect. Similarly, the intuition that can be present is never more on display than upon reflection after the fact.

Synchronicity hints at the unified world behind the illusory veil of the material universe.

– Roger S. Jones

With all this being as it may, what is the actual point of synchronicity?  If it is only a method in which we reflect on occurrences after they happen, is it only a reflective tool rather than real time support? Would it not be better to have some perception in the moment?  I am going to argue the unpopular opinion that we do have perception but often ignore it. Call it what you will. Jung likens it to ESP or psychic ability.  I am not going to go that far, but will concede that there is something that cannot be explained by language and understanding available to us today. This undefinable element consists of the push and pull of the universe, one person’s energy to another. In some cases attracting people together for reasons unknown. The spiritual side of this gives this much more depth and possibility.  If things happen for a reason and we are drawn to one another at specific periods in our lives, this could absolutely be viewed as Divine intervention.

Coincidences are spiritual puns.

-G.K. Chesterton (1874 – 1936)

No need to panic here.  I am not insisting that free will doesn’t exist. On the contrary free will is the most important element.  Suppose you have an intuition that something important is going to happen or you meet someone and just know that they will play a pivotal role in our life.  You have the option to recognize and honor this intuition or ignore it. I believe synchronicity happens many times and requires one to be open, recognizing that something of importance is in fact happening. If you are anything like me, you have experienced many instances  in which you had awareness of this shift, but talked yourself out of whatever guidance you were receiving. I find myself doing this time after time and it can be quite disappointing. It is almost worse knowing what may come and choosing not to act.  That is synchronicity going unheeded.

“At various points in our lives, or on a quest, and for reasons that often remain obscure, we are driven to make decisions which prove with hindsight to be loaded with meaning.”

Swami Satchidananda

Some examples of synchronicity might  be help arriving just when things are getting unmanageable.  Maybe there is no money for rent and a dear friend sends you a card with some cash in it. Maybe you have a sick child and meet a medical professional that specializes in your child’s exact illness.  Or maybe still, you are unemployed to the point of financial ruin but develop a lost connection with an old friend that leads to an open position. All seem like coincidences but can also be seen as synchronicity in practice. Through all of my difficulties in life I have always maintained that I was well taken care of.  I had loving support of family during my difficult relationship, I had friendships that sustained me in dark times and a roof over my head during the most challenging of financial times. The Divine aspect of synchronicity is hard to deny.

“Every time I have become aware of a synchronicity experience, I have had an accompanying feeling that some grace came along with it.”

— Jean Shinoda Bolen

Allowing the universe to unfold as it should with your eyes wide open can be uncomfortable. It is much easier being totally unaware, moving through life oblivious to the bigger picture. As odd as the concept of synchronicity may sound, I suggest that you try it on for size and see how differently you experience the world. Knowing that nothing happens without some sort of reason or purpose is comforting and allows for a feeling of connection that may otherwise not be present.  Take the road less traveled, take an opportunity to listen to your intuition and feel the synchronicity as it happens. Embrace the discomfort of it all, the unknown and understand that all will be as it should be in due time.


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